Between May and September 2022, we intend to offer every Sunday from 8.30am to 11am access to the River for wild swimmers in our local community. There is no fixed-cost, just a donation to lcoal Scouting in the honesty box at the river gate, monitored by CCTV. If you’d rather make a fixed donation for the season then we can send you our bank details!
- All activies are undertook at your own risk
- The area is unsupervised and you are advised to check local conditions- Canoeists in the group will be paddling in the area; though no formal lifeguard cover is provided
- You must book in and out leaving an Emergency Card
- You must wear brightly coloured items to identify you in the water.
- No diving from the banks or pontoons on our premises
- No resposnibility is taken for an damage to property whilist at the venue
- Float or assited buoy will be required
- All children (17 years or below) must be accomanpied by an adult swimming as well unless proir permission is saught
- Parking is available for upto 6 cars or parking MUST be made on Park Avenue and we request 5m from the junction. Please do not on our adopted road.
Westuit Usage
We welcome both wetsuit and non-wetsuit swimmers. (Wetsuits provide additional buoyancy and protection against cold water temperatures and are strongly recommended to new open water swimmers)
Non-use of wetsuits will be welcomed, provided you are able to satisfy us that you are safe and competent to swim without a wetsuit, based on an acceptable level of experience swimming in cold, open water conditions previously.
As a Non-Wetsuit swimmer you must understand the risks associated with swimming in open water and choosing to swim at our location without a wetsuit may mean that some of these risks are increased. Particularly with regards to reduced protection from cold water conditions and the potential onset of hypothermia. You hereby waive any and all rights of action against 5th Worcester Sea Scout Group for any injuries and other actionable events, arising from your decision to swim in the River Severn without a wetsuit.
5th Worcester Sea Scouts and River Severn Open Water Swimming Disclaimer
You must understand the dangers associated with swimming in open water, including the potential for serious personal injury, death and loss of property and thereby agree to assume all associated risks.
You hereby waiver any and all rights of action against 5th Worcester Sea Scout Group for injuries or other actionable events, arising out of your use of facilities at River Severn, 5th Worcester Sea Scout Venue, Off Park View Terrace, Worcester, WR3 7AG.
You agree to release, discharge, indemnify & hold harmless 5th Worcester Sea Scout Group from any liability arising there from, to defend any action of proceeding against 5th Worcester Sea Scout Group as a result thereof, and to indemnify 5th Worcester Sea Scout Group against any liability or expense incurred by it as a result thereof.
Using the Site and other River Users
Our slip way allows you to walk in to the water and into an eddy, which will float you upstream for about 5 metres, where it will turn you back as you float (During Summer conditions).The Severn here is between two locks and weirs, both being 3km up and 5km down stream. The banks are mainly steep sided with lots of Willow trees. In the inital builit up areas there are a variety of working and broken pontoons.
The River runs fastest in the middle, and sticking close to the river left or right makes the course you swim easier. Being mindful of roots and vegetation debris. About 1km upstream is the Slip, which is a muddy beach where you can walk out and rest if needed. Thought plenty of stops on the way.
During the day there are rowers and narrow boats, in the Summer months a few Gin palaces (larger vessels) moving up to Stourport will motor by.
Fisher-people occupy the south bank as the North bank is over grown, however as you travel downstream along Pitchcroft, both banks are fished.
Going downstream bast the pedestrian and main road bridge you enter the swan santuary at your own risk!